GUM® Toothpastes - Photo Library

Access and download GUM Toothpastes photos. 


GUM ActiVital® Toothpaste

Download the GUM ActiVital Toothpaste product pictures in multiple formats for screen views.

GUM® Original White Toothpaste

GUM Original White Toothpaste

Download the GUM Original White Toothpaste product pictures in multiple formats for screen views.


GUM HaliControl® Toothpaste

Download the GUM HaliControl Toothpaste product pictures in multiple formats for screen views.


GUM SensiVital® + Toothpaste

Download the GUM SensiVital + Toothpaste product pictures in multiple formats for screen views.


GUM ORTHO Toothpaste

Download the GUM ORTHO Toothpaste product pictures in multiple formats for screen views.


GUM KIDS Toothpaste 3+

Download the GUM KIDS Toothpaste 3+ product pictures in multiple formats for screen views.


GUM JUNIOR Toothpaste 6+

Download the GUM JUNIOR Toothpaste 6+ product pictures in multiple formats for screen views.


GUM HYDRAL® Toothpaste

Download the GUM HYDRAL Toothpaste product pictures in multiple formats for screen views.

GUM® PAROEX® 0,06% Maintenance Toothpaste

GUM PAROEX® 0,06% Maintenance Toothpaste

Download the GUM PAROEX 0,06% Maintenance Toothpaste product pictures in multiple formats for screen views.

GUM® PAROEX® 0,12% Intensive Action Toothpaste

GUM PAROEX® 0,12% Intensive Action Toothpaste

Download the GUM PAROEX 0,12% Intensive Action Toothpaste product pictures in multiple formats for screen views.

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